버라이즌이 2달후, 11/15까지 Early Upgrade 할수있게 했답니다~~~

무선쿨 2014.09.15 11:09:53

As a special thank you to our existing customers, all Verizon customers who would be eligible to upgrade on or before November 15th have had their upgrade dates changed to become upgrade eligible immediately.  These customers can now upgrade to any device currently in our lineup, with new two year contract. Customers should check My Verizon to confirm upgrade eligibility


제 어카운트 확인하니 어제까지 10월12일 이었는데, 업그래이드 할수있다고 바뀌었네요.

pageplus에서 10월부터 $30 이상 플랜에서 4G LTE 폰도 쓸수있게 한다고 합니다. 
