(호텔 프로모 2/17) InterContinental 59개 호텔: 2박 예약시, 3박째 Free (12/31까지 숙박) 3/10까지 예약

24시간 2019.02.17 11:54:52

인터컨티넨탈 에서 

59개 호텔 대상으로 2박 예약시, 3박째 Free (12/31까지 숙박) 프로모를 합니다. 3/10까지 예약


추가 - * Must book Club InterContinental room, suite or villa.


*Best Flexible Rate으로 레비뉴 예약해야 프로모가 작동 되는거 같네요.

This free night rate is tied to the Best Flexible Rate and only one night deposit required that is not refundable in case of cancellation or no show. It could be worthwhile for those that can stay three or six nights


그리고 Citi Prestige 있으시면 2박예약으로 3번째 4번째 프리나잇 이용이 가능할거 같습니다.



링크: https://www.ihg.com/intercontinental/content/gb/en/hotel-offers/club-intercontinental/participating-hotels?PID=8364787&_PMID=99634975&cm_mmc=CJ-_-2617611-_-8364787-_-DeepLinkRedirect_Gen_IHG_Text_ENG-_-1a9596a232dc11e9808201d50a24060d&glat=AFFI&setPMCookies=true&cjevent=1a9596a232dc11e9808201d50a24060d









InterContinental Adelaide
InterContinental Hayman Island Resort
InterContinental Melbourne The Rialto
InterContinental Perth City Centre
InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort
InterContinental Sydney
InterContinental Sydney Double Bay


East Africa
InterContinental Nairobi (Kenya)
InterContinental Lusaka (Zambia)

South Africa
InterContinental Johannesburg Sandton Towers


