(항공 3/1) 알라스카 'Coast To Elite" 챌린지: MVP (2회) MVP Gold (4회) 왕복 3/6-5/31까지

24시간 2019.03.01 13:29:49

Alaska 항공에서 Elite Status 챌린지 프로모를 합니다.


'Coast To Elite"

3/6-5/31 사이에 coast to coast 탑승을 아래와 같이 완료 해야합니다.

MVP (2회 왕복) MVP Gold (4회 왕복)


*아래 지역 거주자에만 해당:

California, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or District of Columbia (as shown on your Mileage Plan account)



등록 링크: https://www.alaskaair.com/promo/AS1904







Which nonstop flights qualify for this offer?

West Coast departures between:


East Coast departures between:


출처 https://onemileatatime.com/alaska-airlines-status-challenge/?utm_source=BoardingArea&utm_medium=BoardingArea