(체이스오퍼) AT&T (wireless products or services) Spend $15 x2 / $75 or $50 back, 3/31/2020까지

24시간 2020.02.25 09:52:33

 [Targeted] Chase Offers: $75 Back for Spending $30 at AT&T – Moneymaker [BofA, Regions, Suntrust & More]

   - $75 back when making two separate transactions with AT&T on wireless products or services



AT&T 에서 (wireless products or services) 15불씩 두번 = 총 30불 쓰고 75불 받으세요


DoC에 올라왔던 예전 DP들:


This deal is amazing and profitable even if you have no interest in anything at an AT&T store. Buy an accessory for $15, repeat a second time, and get the bonus. Net profit will be $70/$45/$20, plus some free accessories.







