실업수당 어필

뜨로이 2020.05.23 10:27:08

회사에서 지난 달 2주간 furlough를 감행해서 실업수당을 신청했었는데, weekly benefit이 적게 책정되어서 나왔네요.

오하이오는 주간수당이 싱글 최고 $480, 4인가족 최고 $647 이거든요. 근데, 등록시 모든 dependent 정보를 기입했는데도 불구하고 싱글에 해당하는 $480이 책정이 되어 나왔네요. 레터에는 dependency class가 A1이라고 나오고. 그래서 appeal을 했는데, 따로 첨부파일은 안붙이고 글로만 내 dependency class가 A1이 아니라 C가 되어야 한다고 쓰고 dependent정보는 등록시 적었다고 써서 보냈어요.



Dependency Class - This designation is assigned in accordance with the schedule established by law and remains in effect for the benefit year.

Class A-1 - Indicates either that the claimant did not list any dependents or that one or more of his/her dependents has been disallowed for any of the following reasons:

- Identity of dependent(s) could not be verified;

- Amount of support contributed by the claimant does not meet requirements;

- Spouse's income exceeds requirement to qualify as a dependent;

- Child listed is not a birth child, step-child, or adopted child;

- Child listed is over 18 years of age with no physical/mental handicap.

Class A-2 - Indicates that the claimant's spouse has an overlapping benefit year with allowed dependents.

Class A-3 - Indicates that the claimant listed dependent(s), but base period wages were insufficient to qualify for a higher benefit amount.

Class B - Indicates one or two eligible dependents.

Class C - Indicates three or more eligible dependents.



제가 베너핏은 5/6에 수령했고 온라인으로 어필은 5/8에 했는데 아직까지 감감무소식이네요. 아시다시피 전화나 챗팅은 불가능하고...

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