IHG BRG 컨펌됐다는 건가요?

Tiffany 2014.03.31 05:30:48

유럽여행을 계획중에 IHG BRG 클레임하여 이메일을 받았는데요... 

아래 내용이 오케이란건가요? 아닌건가요? 몇번을 읽고 또 읽었는데, 마일모아에 계신분들께 확인받고 싶네요. (aicha 님~ 이거 컨펌된건가요? ^^)

===== <IHG BRG Department에서 보내온 이메일 내용입니다 > =============================================================================================

We thoroughly checked your claim on said competing site and we were able to find a lower rate comparable to what you booked on IHG. We are working on the best way to adjust your reservation to 1st night free. We appreciate your understanding and patience and will contact you via e-mail once this has been confirmed.

Please be reminded that:


We recognize that we fell short in this regards. Please accept our sincerest apology for overlooking this detail and for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please be assured that this is not a normal practice of our department.

Our department always strives to deliver a high standard of guest service and I am truly sorry that on this occasion we failed to deliver this. I really hope that this will not prevent you from staying with us in the future and if you have any further queries or concerns please feel free to contact us again.

We look forward to accommodating your upcoming reservation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via e-mail at bestpriceguarantee@ihg.com.

