스타벅스 커피마시고->영화무료보기(up to $10)

acHimbab 2014.11.18 19:45:17

슬릭딜에서 퍼다 날러요~ㅎ

Fandango Starbucks : http://tickets.fandango.com/promo/snippterms?cjid=cj_10504407_404255_395133_desktop

스벅에서 커피마시시고, 영수증 사진찍으셔서 811811로 LATTE 보내시면, 되는거 같습니다 up $10


T&C 확인하시고요~

+ 구글 월렛 오불씩 : https://support.google.com/wallet/answer/6092965?rd=1

구글월렛에 돈 있으신 분이  발란스가 없는 분에게 1센트 이상 보내면 양쪽 다 $5 불 받는 구조네요. 

Get $5 when a friend claims money from you

You and a friend can each get $5 when you introduce them to Google Wallet. Simply send money (even a penny works) to a friend of yours who doesn't have a Google Wallet Balance yet. When they claim the money and verify their identity, you'll each receive $5 in your Wallet Balance within 3 business days.

When you're sending money to someone, you'll see a confirmation message if your transaction applies for this promotion. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to participate: