(퍼블릭 오퍼 9/12) 사파이어, 프리덤 언니: UR 6x-6.5x, Up to $200 @Best Buy, Ebags, Tock 9/30까지

24시간 2018.09.12 14:07:15

얼마전 @Frontier 님께서 타겟오퍼 소식을 전해주셨는데요 https://www.milemoa.com/bbs/board/5203225

이제 퍼블릭 오퍼 풀렸습니다. 


사파이어 카드들, 프리덤 언니카드를 Chase Pay를 이용해 Best Buy, Ebags, Tock 에서 쓰시면

UR 6x(사파이어) - 6.5x(프리덤언니) 적립 (Up to $200)이 됩니다.

기간은 9/30까지입니다.



Sapphire Reserve | Sapphire | Freedom Unlimited


This offer has been sent out to some Sapphire cardholders (all versions) and on the Freedom Unlimited. The bonus is in addition to the standard earn on the card, resulting in 6x or 6.5x rewards.




출처: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/chase-get-extra-5x-ultimate-rewards-at-best-buy-ebags-and-tock-when-using-chase-pay-max-200-targeted/