(AmEx Offer 11/12) Cell phone bill : 10% back, up to $20 or $40, 12/31까지

24시간 2018.10.01 11:27:41

업데이트 11/12:


이 오퍼 Up to $40 까지도 보인다고 합니다.

"got 10% off Amex offer for paying cell phone bill on my BBP this morning. Up to $40 back, prepayed $400 and immediately got an email saying it triggered the offer. Phone provider is AT&T"



@행복추구 님의 제보로 올리는 아멕스 오퍼입니다

Cell phone bill : 10% back, up to $20, 12/31까지


아래오퍼텀 확인하시고요

당첨 가즈아~

