(퍼블릭 오퍼 11/13) Capital One Spark 비즈니스 카드 두개 : $2,000 or 200K 마일 Bonus / $50k 스펜딩 in 6m

24시간 2018.11.13 11:14:32

캐피탈 원 스파크 카드 두가지 버젼이 모두 보너스 200,000 으로 인상 되었다는 소식입니다.


두 카드 모두 Business 카드입니다. 보통 타겟 오퍼 보너스가 100,000 or $1,000 이었던거에 비해 두배 인상되었네요

그만큼 스펜딩도 5만으로 올랐갔네요


캐피탈 원은 크레딧 3사에서 모두 조회를 합니다.


그리고 (카드 11/13) Capital One : 마일 -> 항공사 전환 실시 소식도 있습니다



신청링크: Capital One Spark Cash $2,000


The card ordinarily offers a welcome bonus of $500 upon completing minimum spend, but for a limited time you can earn up to $2,000, as follows:

This means if you spent a total of $50,000 on the card within six months you’d earn $3,000 ($2,000 bonus through the welcome offer, plus the $1,000 you’d usually earn).

That’s the equivalent of 6% cash back on $50,000 spend, which is incredible.








신청링크: Capital One Spark Miles 200K


The card ordinarily offers a welcome bonus of 50,000 miles upon completing minimum spend, but for a limited time you can earn up to 200,000 miles, as follows:

In other words, if you spent a total of $50,000 on the card within six months you’d earn 300,000 miles (200,000 bonus miles, plus the 100,000 miles you ordinarily earn for spending $50,000).

Those miles are enough for $3,000 worth of travel, which is pretty awesome. That’s the equivalent of 6% back towards travel.





출처: https://onemileatatime.com/best-bonus-spark-business/?utm_source=BoardingArea&utm_medium=BoardingArea