아루바 입국 금지 통보

Haetal 2020.03.19 14:13:57

언제일진 몰라도 아루바 한번 더 가보고 싶어서 메일링은 계속 하고 있는데,

오늘 아래 내용으로 아루바 관광청에서 통지가 왔네요.

아마 호텔 등이 이미 캔슬되고 있어서 알고 계시겠지만, 국경 통제 내용도 참조하시기 바랍니다.



Greetings dear friends of Aruba,

I sincerely hope this correspondence finds you and your loved ones safe, healthy and as stable as can be in these turbulent times. We are, most definitely, in uncharted waters. As the collective global citizenship does its part to curtail the spread of COVID-19, our small island nation is no exception.

The Government of Aruba has made the difficult, but necessary decision to mandate a suspension of all inbound travel to Aruba by nonresidents of Aruba, effective midnight, Monday, March 16 and ending March 31, 2020. As you can imagine, this decision does not come without serious consideration, as Aruba is one of the most tourism-dependent countries in the entire world. However, our highest priority will always be the health and well-being of the Aruban people and our beloved visitors.

Here are some of the important details of the travel suspension:

Looking forward with positivity, we will keep you informed of any important updates and urge everyone to take all of the precautionary and preventative measures outlined by the WHO.

Even though it's only been a few days, we miss you terribly already. As we say in Papiamento, "solo ta briya" - "the sun is shining." The bright Aruba sun and warm local hugs are waiting for you here on your second home, One happy island.

Dangui Oduber
Ministry of Tourism, Public Health and Sports.