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Our best offer yet: World of Hyatt Business Credit Card
The first card promotion of the new year 2025 has been announced. It's the World of Hyatt Business Credit Card, Chase's hotel-affiliated card, which is described in detail as a "must-have for big-spending bosses" in the summer of 2023...
디지털 간판에는 밝은 노란색 대문자로 LAST CALL이라는 단어가 표시됩니다. 간판은 오른쪽에 둥글고 켜지지 않은 녹색 표시기가 있는 어두운 패널로 둘러싸여 있습니다.
Expired: Sapphire Preferred
[Update 11.14.2024] The Sapphire Preferred Card offer has also ended. [Update 11.07.2024] The Ink Unlimited card offer has ended. The Sapphire Preferred card offer is said to end on November 14. ==== Chase's hot offers...
아메리칸 항공의 비행기가 화물칸 문을 연 채 공항 게이트에 주차되어 있다. 지상 승무원이 컨베이어 벨트 트럭을 이용해 짐을 내리고 있다. 흐린 하늘 아래 활주로에 다른 항공기가 보인다.
Good Deals: AA, Hawaiian (Alaska)
[Update 11.07.2024] The Ink Unlimited 90k offer is now closed, if I'm not mistaken. === There are a lot of great card deals out there right now, especially since we're nearing the end of the year. In today's post, I'll give you a quick rundown of the best deals...
Credit freeze: How to protect your credit
There was a self-help story about South Korea's national ID number being a public good shared by the entire world, but it's become something of a mystery. The U.S. Social Security Number (SSN), the Korean equivalent of the national ID number, is also becoming more and more...
[Expired] CSP: UR 60,000 points + $300 travel credit
[Update: 11.14.2024] Please note that the $300 extra offer is now closed. ===== The Chase Sapphire Preferred® card issued by Chase has an ongoing promotion. In addition to the original offer of 60,000 UR points (after spending $4,000 in 3 months), this...
Delta: Salt Lake to Incheon confirmed + US West to Taipei discounts
For the past decade or so, Delta Air Lines has been a symbol of value for wizards. It's been well over a decade, in fact, since 2009, when it was suggested that Delta miles should be called "Delta Pesos" because, like the South American peso, they're depreciating by the day...
How to get your first credit card in the U.S. (2024)
If you're new to the U.S. this fall for work or school, today's post is all about getting your first credit card, which is an essential part of living in the U.S. Like everything else in the world, getting a credit card in the U.S. can be...
Announcing the winners of the Thanksgiving contest
We had nearly 1,500 entries for our 16th Anniversary Chuseok / Mamo event, which just ended. I learned a lot from your travel tips, and I'm so grateful to everyone who took the time to share their...
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