Expired: Sapphire Preferred

[Updated 11.14.2024].

The Sapphire Preferred Card offer has also ended.

[Updated 11.07.2024].

The Ink Unlimited Card offer has ended.

The Sapphire Preferred Card offer is said to end on November 14th.



Two of Chase's hot deals are reportedly ending soon.

  • The $900 offer for the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card with no annual fee is available at Scheduled to end this Thursday, November 7, at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Timeand 
  • For the Sapphire Preferred® Card, an Offer Ending Soon was added, although no exact date was given.  

In today's post, we've outlined just a few of the important things to know about Ink Sister and Sapphire cards.

1. Benefits of the Ink Sister Card

1) Highest signup bonus ever

The best part about this Ink Sister card offer is that it's a sign-up bonus, which means you get to earn miles. Signup bonuses are at an all-time highis that

The signup bonus is 90,000 UR points = Ultimate Rewards points, which are Chase's own points, which are worth $900 even if you redeem them for cash.

Spending is also $6,000 for 3 months, which is a much better deal than the previous $7,500 for 3 months.

2) No annual fee cards 

Another plus is that there's no annual fee.

Usually cards with good sign-up bonuses have a high annual fee, or if it's waived, it's only for the first year, but the Ink Sister card has no annual fee at all.

Business cards are meant to be used for a long time, and the lack of an annual fee means that they're ideal for long-term retention.

You'll earn 1.5 points per dollar spent, regardless of the item.

3) The points you earn are UR Points

An ad for the Ink Sister card says you can earn $900 cash back ("Earn $900 Bonus Cash Back").

The reason these cards are advertised as such is because they are not so-called transformable Dorrance cards.

It's important to note, though, that just because the ad says $900 cash back doesn't mean you'll get a cash sign-up bonus to begin with - the sign-up bonus is 90,000 Chase UR points.

These 90,000 UR points can then be transferred to the Business Dorrance card, the Ink Preferred cardMy personal Dorrance card, the Sapphire PreferredSapphire Reserve When combined with a card, you can also convert to airline miles or hotel points like Hyatt.

Shortcuts: Conceptualizing Chase UR (Conversions, Combinations, Dorrance Cards)

4) Can be held concurrently with Ink cards of other terminations

There are four types of ink cards, and unlike sapphire cards, you can have multiple types of ink cards.

This means that if you already have the Chase Ink Business Preferred® or Chase Ink Business Cash® Card, you can still apply for the Ink Sister card.

Of course, it's not a good idea to create multiple cards in a short period of time, and it's recommended to space them out at least four months apart.

Chase Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card
* Earn 75,000 UR points worth $750 in cash after spending $6,000 in 3 months
* No annual fee card. The best choice for a business card with no annual fee.
* Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent
You can apply on the partner sites linked on the English page

2. Ink Sister Notes 

The Ink Sister Card also has some caveats when applying.

1) Chase's 5/24 Rule

Chase's 5/24 rule is

  • At the time of your Chase card application
  • You've applied for more than 5 cards in the last 24 months, regardless of the issuing bank/company.
  • The stipulation is that it's almost impossible to get approved for a Chase card.

For Chase business cards, I've heard that they don't count 5/24 after you open the card, but they do check for 5/24 at the time you apply for the card.

So if you're already past 5/24, it's unlikely you'll be able to apply for the Ink Sister card this time around.

2) Pay attention to business eligibility 

A business card is literally a card for business owners who have a business. In the U.S., sole proprietorships with small side hustles are considered to have a business, so it's not just for owners of large businesses.

However, (and this is just my opinion), I don't think this is as easy as it seems.

(1) For starters, if you're not a permanent resident or citizen, it's probably best not to apply for a business card at all.

(2) In addition, your state may not require you to register as a sole proprietorship, but your county or city may require you to register (depending on your business). The opinion that business cards are just a form of payment, not related to the actual business and therefore not relevant to tax reporting. It's also a common comment on the mileage meter, but I think it's worth noting.

I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a tax accountant, and everything you see on the wear site is at your own risk..

If you're eligible to apply, see How to fill out a business card application. The card application process itself is pretty straightforward, no different from a personal card.

Shortcuts: How to fill out the Chase Business Card application

3. Sapphire Preferred Advantages

1) Add $300 travel credit 

The typical sign-up bonus for the Sapphire Preferred card is 60,000 UR points.

For this limited-time offer, you'll receive 60,000 points plus $300 travel credit. (You won't get it every year, but once in the first year of cardholder status)

The credit is said to come in the form of an automatic credit when you make a flight purchase or hotel reservation on Chase's own travel booking site, Chase Travel℠.

I think the best way to understand this is that it's not a coupon for a certain amount off, but rather, if you use your Sharp card to book hotels, flights, etc. on the Chase Travel site (i.e., if you pay cash first), you'll get $300 back in the form of a statement credit.

2) Dorrance Card

The points you earn with the Sharp card are UR points, which are Chase's own points.

There are several ways to redeem points.

  • First, you can redeem them like cash. You can log in to the Chase site and apply them as a statement credit or get them as a check, where the value is 1 point = 1 cent, so 60,000 points are worth $600.
  • You can also book airline tickets and hotels through their own booking portal called Chase Travel℠, where 1 point = 1.25 cents. That's 60,000 UR points = $750 worth of value.

To increase the value of your points, you'll need to transfer them to airline miles or hotel points.

To do this, you need to have a Dorance card with the transfer feature.

Luckily, the Sharp card is a Dorrance card. 

So, you can convert your earned UR points to

  • You can also do 1:1 conversions to hotel programs Hyatt, Marriott, and IHG (except for Hyatt, of course, which you should never do because it doesn't make sense).
  • You can also convert 1:1 to miles from over 10 airlines, including United, Air Canada, Virgin Atlantic, Lifemiles, and more.

Virgin Airlines miles are particularly popular these days.

On October 30th, Virgin implemented variable deductibles Even after this, partner airline redemptions like Korean Air still haven't changed, making it possible to book economy for 31,000 points one-way on a West LA-Incheon flight.

2025년 2월 6일 LAX에서 ICN까지 편도 여행에 대한 항공편 예약 페이지의 스크린샷. 요금 옵션 포함: Economy Classic, Premium, Upper Class, Economy 가격은 31,000포인트. 오전 10시 50분 출발, 오후 5시 40분 도착.

Switching from UR to Virgin is a 1-2 times a year switching bonus promotion.

Coincidentally, they're running a conversion promotion right now, so if you convert UR points to Virgin by November 30, you'll get an extra 40% bonus. 

If you're applying for the card today, this probably doesn't apply to you because you're running out of time, but if you've already accumulated a lot of points on other Chase UR earning cards, you might be able to take advantage of this promotion.

Because during the promotion period, 23,000 UR points = 32,200 Virgin miles, Get one economy one-way ticket to South Korea for as little as UR 23,000for example.

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card (Sharp) Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
60,000 UR points after spending $4,000 in the first 3 months of card issuance (60,000 UR points is $600 in cash)
Convertible at a 1:1 ratio to airline miles (United, Virgin, etc.) and hotel points (Hyatt, etc.)
$50 credit each year (based on membership year) when you book a hotel with Chase Travel (SM)
The annual fee is $95 for the first year. 
A good introductory card for UR points.
Go to: Apply at the affiliate site linked on the About page

3. Sapphire Preferred Things to keep in mind

There are a few caveats to this offer.

(1) 5/24 

First, this card is subject to the 5/24 rule, which means that if your total number of cards you've opened in the last 24 months from the time you apply for the card is more than 5, you should probably consider yourself unlikely to be approved.

(2) 48-month term 

Chase's terms say that you won't get the sign-up bonus if you (1) have a Sapphire family card, or (2) it's been 48 months since you received a sign-up bonus on one of those Sapphire family cards.

(In (1), the Sapphire family of cards includes the Sapphire Reserve, the Sharp Card, and the regular Sapphire Card with no annual fee.

For this reason, it's not known to be possible to get the sign-up bonus if you currently have a Sapphire family card.

In addition to (1), it's also important to note that (2) it must have been 48 months since your last signup bonus.

We're not counting just Sharp cards here, but all Sapphire family cards.

Let's wrap up today's post.

The Ink Sister Card is a top-notch offer if you're looking for a business card.

I wouldn't call the Sharp card the best ever, but I'd say it's a pretty good offer - $300 travel credit + 60,000 points is a pretty good deal, and it's not hard to get $1,000 in value out of it, even if you spend it sparingly.

However, it's important to note that card utilization can vary greatly depending on your travel patterns, spending patterns, where you live, and so on.

Featured image by @ake1150sb (80585484) / depositphotos

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Year-end clean up: Get your annual benefits before it's too late (2024)

31 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi, if I get the $300 credit in November, will it be valid until 2024? Or will I get the $300 credit within a year of issuance?

    • I understand it to be 12 months from the date of card authorization, not a calendar year. Here's what the terms say

      "A statement credit will automatically be applied to your account when your card is used for purchases made through Chase Travel, up to a maximum accumulation of $300 within the first year of account opening.”

  • How do I know if it's been 48 months since I received my signup? I know I opened the card in September 2020, but I don't know when I got the signup. I sent Chase an SM and asked them, but they won't tell me. Is there a way to find out?

    • I see a bonus payment on my card bill/statement. Try requesting your September, October, and November 2020 invoice/statement.

  • Miniature Poodle
    November 5, 2024 8:13 am

    Hi Milemoa, when an offer ends soon like that, do they usually give an exact date later? Or does it just close suddenly?

  • Sharp I got it in May 2022 and got rid of it, but when I tried to apply now, I got rejected....

    • 2022 is a little over two years away, so I think it's a no-brainer to reject, because you'll have to wait 48 months.

  • I was wondering.... if I can transfer points to my Virgin Atlantc account and ticket another family member to Korea with miles?

  • Hi. I saw your post about the impending closure of the Milemoa a few days ago, followed the link and applied for the Business Ink Unlimited, but it just got approved. When I went to the Chase website, the signup bonus was already down to 75,000, so does this mean I won't get the 90,000 point signup bonus? It would be so unfair if I don't get it. 🙁 I'm not sure if this is the case.

    • I think you'll only get the 9 because the offer is valid at the time of application, but to be sure, you might want to send a secure message to Chase for confirmation.

  • I've had the Chase Sapphire bonus for over 4 years (July 20), and I downsized it to the Freedom today, is it okay to reapply around the 13th before the offer ends next week on the 14th? It's been about 5 days since I put it down.

  • I got the Sapphire 10 years ago as a bonus, kept it, and closed it earlier this year around Feb. I still see the card picture and the ending number when I go into my Chase account, but the details say *your account is closed. I'm not sure if I should apply.

    • Cards that have already been closed may still appear in your account, depending on your settings. I understand this has nothing to do with whether or not you're eligible for the card.

  • Is #4 in the email a shutdown? I got it from Hyatt info.

  • Do you know if the chase travel credit can be split within a year, for example $300 can be used for 1 night at hotel 1 and then 1 month later at hotel 2 and so on.

    • I'm curious too!

    • I know it's possible, but I haven't tried it myself so I can't say for sure that it's 100%.

    • Hi, I just opened a Chase Sharp card after seeing this Milemoa post.
      I booked a hotel for one night after filling the span, and then paid for another night two weeks later for a different date, and it went out as a separate credit. The total amount of money that went out in two separate transactions is $300.
      Interestingly, the annual hotel credit ($50) was also deducted from the first night's payment.

  • It's a great offer, but since it's my groom's card, will I get the same offer if I refinance it?

  • If I get it and book an activity other than hotel and airfare, will the $300 be deducted?
    You don't just sign up and spend on hotels and flights within a year.
    I have to use airfare and hotels in the 3 months that I earn points, right?

    • 1. it says it's booked through Chase Travel, so I'm assuming that would apply to Activities as well, but I haven't tried it so I can't say it's 100%.

      2. it is my understanding that this $$300 credit is for spending on Chase Travel within 1 year of signing up, not 3 months. Of course, we encourage you to use it as soon as possible.

  • I've always had a lot of questions.
    Why not sign up?


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