


마일모아 게시판   [잡담]
Sinai Red Sea Town의 러시안들.

aicha | 2014.05.07 05:03:19 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

뭐, 다른 일로 The Economist 로 뒤적뒤적하다가 걸렸는데, 별 내용은 없는데 지난 번에 시나이 다하브 쪽에 관심있어 하시는 분들이 있어 한번 올려봅니다. 

However, there is one nationality of visitor that is not put off by the insecurity. 

역쉬 러시아인들 입니당. ^^;;  (마피아도 러시아 마피아가 세계에서 가장 무섭다죠...) 

그나저나 여기 사니 무슨 러시아인들  (현재 러시아 뿐만 아니라 구 소비에트 지역 포함해서) 전성시대 같군여...  - -;;  

이제 모든 이스라엘 주요 도시에 러시아인이 없는 곳이없고, 공항이나 주요 공공기관도 모든 언어를 히브루, 아랍어, 러시아어로 표기해 놓습니다. 

여기 건물 청소하시는 아줌마들 몽땅 러시아 분들이고, 카이로 클럽가도 러시아 여성분들 북적북적 (심지어 클럽 오너 부인도 러시아 분이더라는 ...) 

여기 종교주말에는 모든 슈퍼마켓이 문을 닫는데, 문 여는 딱 !! 한곳 대형 마켓이 있는데요. 역쉬 오너가 러시아인이라는. 

좀 종교적인 사람들이 처음에 와서 막 돌 던지고 ( - - ;;) 그랬다는데도 꿋꿋이 문 여시고, 

물론 종교적인 사람들은 그 슈퍼마켓 보이콧 한다지만, 뭐 장사 잘 만 되네요 (secular jews 도 많기 때문에..) 

Russian tourists in Egypt

Diving in


THE turmoil in Egypt had until recently spared the country's tourist destinations. The most recent attack in the Red Sea town of Dahab, a popular dive resort, was in 2006 when three blasts killed over 20 people. So it was a blow when, on February 16th, four people were killed by a bomb on a tourist bus in Taba, another town in the Sinai close to the border with Israel.

However, there is one nationality of visitor that is not put off by the insecurity. Egypt is a cheap, warm destination for Russians keen to escape the long, cold winter at home. The day after the Taba explosion, bus trips to nearby Jerusalem with Russian-speaking guides were as popular as ever, despite passing through Taba. 

Masha, a teacher in her thirties carrying a Sochi 2014 bag, travelled with her mother and eight-year-old daughter to Egypt. She paid $700 for return flights and eleven days full-board in a luxury hotel. 

Russian visitors often stay for several months. More may come as ties between the two countries grow. When Field-Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi visited Moscow earlier this month, the country's president, Vladimir Putin, said he hoped to increased Russian tourism in Egypt.

Dahab is prepared. Many signs, especially for apartments to rent, are displayed in Russian rather than the native Arabic. Store owners have learnt the basics of the language, though not from textbooks judging by their vocabulary.

Not everyone is happy. Locals say divers from Russia are equipped with the best gear, but behave badly underwater, picking the coral reef or poking pufferfish. At the Blue Hole, a dangerous diving site, many of the plaques commemorating those who died there are written in Cyrillic.

The visitors drive a hard bargain, says Nader, who runs a scuba equipment shop in Dahab, but now is not the time to be picky about customers. The six Russian-speaking dive centres are busy, whereas the other 60 or so barely survive.

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