


마일모아 게시판   [질문-카드]
6개월마다 한번이상 us airways 카드 안쓰면 포인트 몰수?

정돈 | 2014.12.04 19:24:06 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

방금 US airways premier world받고 activation시켰는데요, 약관을 자세히 읽어보니

이런식으로 쓰여 있네요

"Eligibility:  To participate in the Program, your Account must remain in good standing which means your Account must remain open with active charging privileges, you must maintain your creditworthiness, you must pay your Annual Fee, and you must use your Account for at least one transaction every six (6) months that is not later rescinded or returned"

"Effective on September 10, 2010, to continue to participate in the rewards program, your account must remain open and in good standing, you must maintain your creditworthiness and you must use your card for at least one (1) purchase transaction every six (6) months (or have some type of account balance every six months).  Failure to meet these requirements may result in account closure and forfeiture of all outstanding miles earned.  In addition, if your payment is late in a particular billing cycle, this may result in the forfeiture of miles earned in that billing cycle.  If your miles are forfeited for any reason, we will not reinstate these miles to your account."


위글과 정확히 일치하지는 않지만 아무튼 제 약관도 6개월내 한번 이상의 us airways 카드 사용실적이 있어야 expire되지 않는다고 씌여 있네요.

밀리언 마일 보면 아래처럼 나와 있지만,,

"Captain Hooks 

  1. Anybody notice that the terms and conditions for the US Air card says that if you dont use the card every 6 months they can cancel your account and take your points?

  2. @Captain Hooks – They’ve said that for a while, but haven’t heard of it happening to anyone. In general, the points in your account are yours to keep."


그래도 조금 마음에 걸리긴 한데 혹시 아시는 분 계신가요?

마모 게시판에 6개월 소멸, 등등으로 검색해도 관련 정보를 못찾겠어요,

원래 15개월에 한번 activity가 있으면 계속 마일이 살아 있는 걸로 알고 있었는데.. 쩝..

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