


마일모아 게시판   [정보-여행]
US says Egypt is safe ......?

aicha | 2016.11.23 23:53:24 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

일명 믿거나 말거나...? ㅋ

United States colors Egypt as safe for tourism, reports Al-Masry Al-Youm. News concerning a map that the United States State Department published on Tuesday that listed Egypt among countries it considers safe for travel and tourism has been covered in several newspapers. The map (아래), which was published by the UK Independent newspaper, color-codes Egypt green, while the surrounding countries in North Africa and the Middle East are marked red and most of the European continent is marked yellow, indicating potential risk. The state owned-Al-Akhbar newspaper reports that Egypt’s Tourism Minister Mohamed Yehia Rashid welcomed the decision as “positive” and told the press on Wednesday that, "The decision improves the image of Egypt as a tourist destination.”  Citing another article by the Independent, Al-Masry Al-Youm quotes the newspaper as writing, “More than a year after British flights to the Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh were grounded, the transport secretary has dashed hopes of an imminent end to the ban.” The UK newspaper put the number of UK nationals deterred from traveling to the resort town on holiday last year at 500,000. 

A map of countries the US government thinks it is safe to go on holiday


그냥 아주 주변이 눈부시게 씨뻘겁니다, 그려 ~  ㅋ 

근데 Sinai 는 왠 초록초록? 며칠 전에 이슬람 무장 단체가 고명하신 Shia Cleric 참수형해서 난리굿판을 치드만... ;;;


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