


마일모아 게시판   [정보-항공]
(항공 6/20) 탑승거부발표 항공사에 대한 Homeland Security 트윗 /트럼프, 격리방침 종료안에 싸인함/ 밀입국 가족 강제격리방침에 맞서 항공사들 격리된 자녀들 탑승거부 발표

24시간 | 2018.06.20 13:06:51 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기


탑승거부를 발표한 항공사들에 대한 homeland decurity spokeman의 트윗 입니다

출처: Department of Homeland Security Blasts American, United for Not Wanting to Transport Kids Separated from Families





방금 트럼프가 격리방침 종료안에 싸인했다고 합니다. 그리고 다시 한번 장벽건설에 대해 확고한 의지를 내비췄다고 하네요.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday ending the process of separating children from families after they are detained crossing the U.S. border illegally.

"We're going to have strong, very strong borders, but we're going to keep the families together," said Trump who said he didn't like the "sight" or "feeling" of children separated from their parents.





이 글을 올린지 몇분 안지나서 격리방침 종료 방안에 곧 싸인하겠다고 트럼프가 발표했네요.

"We want to keep families together. It's very important," Trump told reporters during a White House meeting with members of Congress.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that."






트럼프 정부의 반이민 정책으로 밀입국 가족 강제격리 방침으로 인해 부모와 자녀들이 강제로 생이별하게되는 일에대해

American Airlines, United Airlines, Frontier Airlines 항공사들이 반대 입장을 표명하며

격리된 자녀들을 모국으로 송환할때 자사 여객기로는 탑승 시키지 않겠다는 발표를 했습니다.


American Airlines has asked the federal government to not use their flights for transporting children who have been separated from their families at the border. Here’s American Airlines’ statement regarding their stance:

“The family separation process that has been widely publicized is not at all aligned with the values of American Airlines — we bring families together, not apart. American, like many U.S. airlines, provides travel to the federal government through contracts; however, the government does not disclose information about the nature of the flights it takes or the passengers who are traveling. While we have carried refugees for non-profits and the government, many of whom are being reunited with family or friends, we have no knowledge that the federal government has used American to transport children who have been separated from their parents due to the recent immigration policy, but we would be extremely disappointed to learn that is the case.

“We have therefore requested the federal government to immediately refrain from using American for the purpose of transporting children who have been separated from their families due to the current immigration policy. We have no desire to be associated with separating families, or worse, to profit from it. We have every expectation the government will comply with our request and we thank them for doing so.”



출처: onemileatatime 

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