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(영화잡담) 사진한장으로 미리보는 어벤져스 4 (스포일러 주의) 사진+스포일러 더 추가 ㅎㅎ

24시간 | 2018.08.28 12:05:43 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기






조만간 나올 어벤져스 4


저 사진에서 누가 살아난걸까요? ㅎㅎ


전편에서 주인공들 거의 다 죽고 남은 사람들 중 스타크, 수리, 헐크가 메인 롤을 맡을거랍니다?




@제이유 님 댓글 보고 기사 전문 퍼옵니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

근데 봐도 잘 모르겠네요 어벤져스 3탄 다시봐야겠어요


An Avengers fan observed something interesting while watching a Robert Downey Jr. interview that was conducted during the filming of Avengers 4. 
Downey Jr. is dressed in Stark gear matching the time frame of Avengers 4, Digital Spy explains, but it’s the background that’s far more interesting.




What this means is that somehow, Stark managed to get back to Earth from Titan — Nebula probably helped him. Then he’ll probably meet everyone in Wakanda, Shuri included. And we do know that Shuri did survive the snap.


Now, Shuri, Stark, and Banner are the brightest minds on Earth, or in the Avengers extended team, and they’ll likely put their brains to good use to try to fix the Thanos problem. However, that’s not the most exciting thing about the fact that Stark and Shuri will soon meet to be tech geeks together. You know who else is in Wakanda? Everyone else left standing, including Steve Rogers.


After I saw Infinity War, I said that the most heart-breaking moment, for me, isn’t the ending, but the scene where Stark tells them about the phone Cap gave him after their final battle in Civil War. He’d been carrying that phone for years, in spite of his falling out with Rogers. If Stark is coming to Wakanda, then we’ll finally see that Stark-Rogers meeting that we never got in Infinity War. We know from leaked set photos that the two will meet and go back in time together, but Stark coming to Wakanda might be how it all starts.


There’s no guarantee that Stark’s first order of business back on Earth is to visit Wakanda, and he could very well meet the genius Shuri much later during the film. But it makes a lot of sense to see it all go down at some point early in the movie.


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