


마일모아 게시판   [정보-카드]
(카드 1/4) Bank of America 카드 : 새로운 24개월 룰 적용 시작 (Alaska / Cash / Premium / Travel)

24시간 | 2019.01.04 12:43:07 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

BOA 카드 오퍼 텀에 전에는 없었던? 새로운 24개월 룰이 생겼습니다. (보아 전문가 님들 확인 부탁 드립니다)

프리미엄 카드가 출시된지 2년이 다 되어가는 시점이 되어서 이렇게 바뀐건지 모르겠습니다.

보아 카드도 이제 24개월 안에 처닝하기가 힘들어지는거 같네요


" I know people were interested in possibly signing up for multiple cash rewards due to the impending rewards changes. Unfortunately the terms now have a 24 month rule. Just putting it out there so people don’t waste apps. Travel Rewards and Premium have similar rules in the terms now too. "

cash rewards

출처: https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/ackrgc/psa_boa_clamps_down_further/





캐쉬 리워드 카드:

(현재 이 카드 오픈한지 24개월 이상이 된 사람만 처닝 가능)

This Cash Rewards card will not be available to you if you currently have a Cash Rewards card unless you have had that Cash Rewards card for at least 24 months.


프리미엄 리워드 카드:

(리워드 카드 소지중이거나 카드를 해지 했더라도 해지 후 24개월안에는 신청 불가)

This Premium Rewards card will not be available to you if you currently have or have had a Premium Rewards card in the preceding 24 month period.


Alaska Visa :

(리워드 카드 소지중이거나 카드를 해지 했더라도 해지 후 24개월안에는 신청 불가)

This card will not be available to you if you currently have or have had the card in the preceding 24 month period.


Travel Rewards :

(리워드 카드 소지중이거나 카드를 해지 했더라도 해지 후 24개월안에는 신청 불가)

This Travel Rewards card will not be available to you if you currently have a Travel Rewards card unless you have had that Travel Rewards card for at least 24 months.






*보아 규정 추가 (Thanks to BostonChurner 님)


If you’re denied for a Bank of America card, call their reconsideration department! In a lot of cases you’ll be able to get that denial turned into an approval by answering some basic questions.

Bank of America Credit Card Reconsideration

  • Personal: open 8am-7pm Monday To Friday. 
    • 1-866-224-8555
    • 1-866-224-7803
    • 1-800-354-0401
    • 1-866-505-7481

Bank of America business credit cards don’t get reported to the personal credit bureaus which is useful for keeping your credit report cleaner.



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