


마일모아 게시판   [정보-카드]
[속보] AA massive shutdown + 어워드 티켓 ( 파트너사 / AA ) 캔슬 시작

레딧처닝 | 2019.12.12 16:42:53 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

속보2: 파트너사 award ticket도 캔슬됨 (JAL 항공)


"A person who's locked had their upcoming JAL flights cancelled out of nowhere, without contacting AA priorly regarding their account. The flights have been showing as ticketed for past two months, and the person learned of the cancellation by checking their PNR on JAL's website. Churned 10 Citi bonuses (7 personal/3 biz)."


곧 AA award 여정이 잡혀있고 어카운트가 락 되어 있으면 alternative flight을 심각하게 고려하셔야겠습니다





속보: award ticket 된거도 캔슬 시킨 DP가 올라왔습니다... 하아







@항고매 님께서 올려주신 정보입니다


(800) 882-8880


이번호로 전화해서 회원번호 불러줘서 누군가로 트랜스퍼 해주면 락당첨!



중간 업뎃 합니다


현재 어카운트는 잘 로긴이 되는데요


마일 리딤이 안됩니다


호텔 예약으로 털어버릴려고 했는데 process가 안되요 


다행히도 award 예약들은 아직까지 문제 없습니다 




레딧 처닝 mod가 올린글인데요

벌써 셧다운 된 분들도 있다고 합니다 ?!


이거 심상치 않네요 ㅜ


"Lots of shutdowns now occurring. Calling into 800-433-7300 and instantly transferred to CSR. When asked why, they are being told that a letter from corporate security is coming. Some have already lost online login but most can still log in. This is the new wave and even people who never used emailers are impacted. So all theories are out the window at this point. Hold on tight, folks. No need to message me btw- I don’t know anymore than anyone else at this point."





클린한 어카운트로 연결 되어있는 넘버로 전화할 경우 요렇게 연결된다고 합니다 :

"Hi, and thanks for calling into American Airlines. Your call may be recorded blah blah"
"Para espanol marque nueve."
"I've matched your mobile number to your AAdvantage account. In a few short words, please tell me what you're calling about."





공포감을 줄려고 하는게 아니라 사태가 쫌더 widespread하게 퍼진거 같습니다 


Semi-private 레딧에 올라온 글입니다


So I just received a PM from someone that they called into 800-433-7300 this morning and was able to get through to the automated menu. However, they tried just now and got the message that the call was being transferred but immediately hung up.

I hopped on my cell phone and called in:

"Hi, and thanks for calling into American Airlines. Your call may be recorded blah blah"
"Para espanol marque nueve."
"Please hold and I'll get an agent on the line."

I hung up as well, then dialed in with my work landline and got through to the automated system. Checked twice on each phone, same outcome. Still able to log into my AA account on desktop.

/u/Teddy125 - Could you please confirm that the agent you were connected to mentioned Corporate Security?

Update - The user who initally PM'ed me decided to call back again and speak to an agent and was told the following:

They said there was an annotation on my account that Corporate Security is doing an investigation on my account. I can still log into my account, my award redemption for next year is also still there. The rep apparently could not access my account in any way other than just pulling it up and seeing that annotation. They couldn't see my miles or the award redemption I had made.

저 넘버로 전화해서 바로 상담원으로 연결 되는경우는 락일 확률이 높습니다


하지만 락이 안됬을경우 요렇게 automated response가 들린다고 합니다 : 


" Hi u/Vengenceonu, in a few words, tell me what your calling about "

참고로 온라인 어카운트는 잘 로긴이 된다고 합니다 

일단은 전화를 하지 마시구요 

또 다른 업데잇이 뜨면 업뎃 하겠습니다


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