


마일모아 게시판   [정보-기타]
17-24세 자녀도 Dependent 로서 500불 받을지도 모른다네요.

blueribbon | 2020.04.07 11:00:23 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

안녕하세요. 블루리본입니다. 


기사를 검색해보니 All Dependents Count Act 라는게 있네요.   의회 통과 되길 희망해 봅니다.

아시다시피 17-24세 자녀들은 소득이 있어도 부모님 밑으로 소득을 신고한 경우 1,200불을 못 받는 걸로 알려졌지요.  그런데 이번엔 자녀는 500불(1,200불이 아닌)이 부모 앞으로 나오지 않을까 조심스럽게 추측해 봅니다.  아직 결정되었다는 기사는 없네요.  자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 참고하세요.  근데, 노부모를 부양자로 등록시는 추가지급은 안되나 봅니다. ㅠㅠ (솔직히 노부모를 부양자로 등록 가능한지도 이번에 처음 알았어요)





College students and kids over 16 years old 

The CARES Act provides parents $500 per child as defined by the Child Tax Credit. In general, that means only dependents under the age of 17 qualify. 

However, a person who is claimed as a dependent can't get a stimulus payment for themselves. So many of the country's roughly 20 million college students who are claimed as a dependent won't see a check and neither will their parents. 

So, no money is provided for dependents who are older than 16 years old and these dependents are unable to claim a stimulus payment for themselves.  

A number of U.S. Senators and Representatives have proposed the All Dependents Count Act, which would expand eligibility for the $500 credit so that a taxpayer will receive a credit for all dependents they care for, regardless of age.  


Those who support older dependents

As noted above, the CARES Act only provides a $500 additional credit for those under the age of 17. Even if you claim your mother as a dependent, you are not eligible for any additional money for your stimulus check.  


People with disabilities who are supported by their parents 

If a person is claimed as a dependent, they aren't eligible for the $1,200 stimulus check. That includes adults who are disabled and claimed as dependents by their parents or other relatives. 


Senior citizens who live with their children

While senior citizens who are on Social Security are eligible for the stimulus checks, the dependent distinction applies to them as well. So seniors won't get checks if they live with other relatives and are claimed by them as dependents on their taxes, according to Forbes


People who owe past due child support 

Sen. Chuck Grassley said in a "Recovery Check FAQ" about the stimulus bill that the "only administrative offset that will be enforced" with the checks is those who owe overdue child support. 

But in order for the government to withhold some, or all, of the money, the states will have had to reported it to the Treasury Department, Grassley said. 


Those without a Social Security number

To get a stimulus check, you must have a Social Security number. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reported that for a household to receive any rebate, each person must have a Social Security number. That means some immigrant families, including those with children who are U.S. citizens, could be denied stimulus payments altogether. 

The only exception to this rule in the CARES Act is for members of the armed forces, where only one spouse needs to have a SSN to qualify for a payment. 


Babies born in 2020 

Because the $500 per child payment is based on your 2019 taxes, parents who had a baby so far this year won't get that money yet. However, Forbes pointed out that parents in this situation will likely get $500 credits next year when they file their taxes. 


People making over the income limit 

The stimulus check payments start reducing for those who made more than $75,000 and zeroes out when someone makes $99,000 annually. The same goes for married couples. For couples, the amount they receive starts getting smaller for those who earn more than $150,000 annually and zeroes out at $198,000. 

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