


마일모아 게시판   [정보]
1/26/21부터 모든 미국 입국자 탑승 72시간내 Covid-19 음성 확인서 제출 의무화 & 10일간 자가격리 권고

24시간 | 2021.01.12 21:32:34 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

한국내 PCR 검사 하루/이틀만에 가능 + 영문 증명서 가능 병원 정보는 이 글에 모아주세요





reuters 통신에 따르면 오늘 CDC에 관계자의 말을 인용해 보도하기를

현재 바이든 행정부에서 미 입국자 대상 탑승전 72시간내 음성확인서 제출 의무화를 미 국내선 탑승에도 도입 하는걸 검토 중이라고 합니다.

발표 되는대로 업데이트 하겠습니다.

The Biden administration is “actively looking” at expanding mandatory COVID-19 testing to travelers on U.S. domestic flights, a senior Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official said on Tuesday.





오늘 바이든 대통령의 발표가 있었는데요, https://twitter.com/i/status/1352345484841660428

모든 미 입국자들은 전원 음성 테스트와 더불어 입국 후 10일 동안의 자가격리를 권고 한다고 합니다. 자가격리에 대한 구체적인 계획도 조만간 발표될것으로 보입니다. 


In addition to the testing requirement, it would appear that international travelers will also have to quarantine upon arriving in the US.

As Biden explained:

“Everyone flying to the United States from another country will need to get tested before they get on that plane, before they depart, and quarantine when they arrive in America.

“Promote safe international travel. The United States will implement policies requiring international air travelers to produce a negative COVID-19 test prior to departing for the United States; and to comply with CDC guidelines for self-isolation and self-quarantine upon arrival. The Administration will consult with foreign governments and international organizations regarding the same.”








Update 2: Covid-19 테스트 면제 대상: 



1번 (2세미만 어린이)와 6번 (covid19 양성이었다가 회복) 같은 경우에는 많은 분들에게 적용되는 항목이겠네요.  


  1. Children under two are exempt (meaning all those two and older must present testing).
  2. Crew members of airlines or other aircraft operators provided that they follow industry standard protocols for the prevention of COVID-19 as set forth in relevant Safety Alerts
  3. Airlines or other aircraft operators transporting passengers with COVID-19 pursuant to CDC authorization and in accordance with CDC guidance.
  4. Federal law enforcement personnel while on official duty and carrying out a law enforcement function and members of the U.S. military (including aircraft operators), when traveling under competent orders—provided that the authority ordering the travel requires precautions to prevent the possible transmission of infection to others during the travel period in accordance with CDC guidance.
  5. Airlines or other aircraft operators granted specific waivers from the application of this Order based on CDC’s determination that a foreign country lacks available SARS-CoV-2 testing capacity. Such waivers may be granted based on a specific request made by an airline or aircraft operator to the CDC and will be limited to 14 days unless renewed by CDC.
  6. An additional exception is granted if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and recovered. In order to travel under this exception, you must bring proof of a positive test result as well as a signed letter from a licensed healthcare provider (on official letterhead) stating that you have been cleared to travel. The letter must include: Name, Address, Telephone number




Update 1: 확정되었습니다. 



The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has announced that as of January 26, 2021, international air travelers entering the United States will be required to get tested prior to travel:

  • This will apply to all international travelers arriving into the US by air, including citizens and foreigners
  • Viral testing will be required within the three days prior to a US-bound flight
  • Airlines must confirm the negative test results for passengers at the time of check-in


CDC에서 1/26부터 모든 미국 입국자에게 (미국 거주자 포함) Covid-19 테스트 음성 확인서 요건 계획을 추진 중이라고 합니다.  


해외에서 비행기 탑승전 covid-19 테스트 음성 확인서를 제출해야 한다고하네요.

아마도 탑승 72시간 전 받은 테스트 확인서 필요로 예상되는데 추가 내용이 발표되어야 조금 더 자세한 디테일이 확인될거 같습니다.



The Wall Stree Journal reports that the US CDC is planning to issue a new notification on Tuesday, to require a CoVid-19 testing requirement for arriving into the USA on an airplane.

This new requirement is expected to be in effect from January 26, 2021, onwards. This requirement is expected to be implemented for international visitors and US residents returning to the country.


The USA had, in December 2020, implemented a testing requirement to arrive from the United Kingdom. According to the WSJ, this order will make it a global condition, and everyone will be required to present a negative report before boarding an aircraft bound to the USA.


U.S. Expected to Require Covid-19 Tests for All International Visitors - WSJ

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