


마일모아 게시판   [질문-기타]
HOA 에서 보내는 청문회 경고, 어떻게 반응해야하는지요

다비드 | 2021.03.02 00:36:32 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

2020년, 그러니까 작년 가을 즈음입니다.

현관문 페인트가 많이 바래서 새로운 색깔로 페인트를 칠했습니다.

그런데 며칠 후 HOA 에서 경고편지가 왔었습니다.

Window shutter 하고 색깔이 매치가 안되니 다시 칠하라는 거였습니다.


편지 내용은 아래와 같습니다





Dear 내이름, 


I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors of HAWTHORNE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC regarding the

above-referenced subject. The property is inspected on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the Association's guidelines and

to advise owners of violations of which they may or may not be aware. Regular inspections are performed as a service to the

community and are intended to preserve and enhance home values. Consistent, uniform and thorough application of the guidelines

will help achieve this goal. In accordance with this practice, it has been noted that the following condition continues to exist on

your property:

Violation: The door on your property has not been approved by the architectural committee. Please submit an architectural

application for consideration.

Reference: Hawthorne Community Association Handbook, Exterior Architectural Modification, which states, "As

owners/residents consider exterior architectural modifications, or improvements, and BEFORE any changes are made to the

home, town home or lot, an architectural modification request (AMR) form must be completed, along with the required

attachments. Exterior modifications include any changes, additions or modifications to the exterior front, rear or side of homes

and town homes, including, but not limited to paint, stain, storm doors, satellite dishes, siding, doors, shutters, lighting, trim,

roofing, fences and other accessories."

You are again requested to comply with the governing documents and remedy this situation within 7 days of receipt of this letter.

Please respond in writing to confirm correction of the violation; email is acceptable. Failure to comply may result in

notification to you of a Hearing before the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may have the power to impose monetary

charges equal to a one-time assessment of $50 for a single offense or $10 per day up to ninety (90) days for a possible total of

$900 for any offense of a continuing nature and, in addition, suspend community privileges. Thank you for understanding that all

Association members are subject to the same rules and regulations as defined in the governing documents. If you have any

questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me directly at (703) 565-5006 or by email

at t.padgett@cardinalmanagementgroup.com.







그래서 다른 집들은 어떤가하고 살펴보았는데,  여러집들이,  저희 커무니티 약 150 가구 중 아마도 10 집 이상이 칼라 매치가 안된 상태입니다.

벌써 수년 전 부터요.  

다른 집들은 괜찮고 저만  칼라 매치를 해야하는지요 ?   이 곳은 백인들 가구가 대다수입니다.

아시안이라서 차별을 당하는 느낌을 지울 수가 없네요.  벌써 certified letter 를 같은 내용으로 두번이나 받았습니다.

3월 23일에 청문회를 한답니다. 저하고요.



Dear 제 이름,


In accordance with the Property Owners Association Act of Virginia and the governing documents of the Association, you are hereby notified that a Hearing will be conducted before the Board of Directors of HAWTHORNE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC at Zoom, http://bit.ly/3bloWfV on 03/23/2021 06:30 pm, in reference to the violation of the governing documents listed below: Violation: Front door and shutters must match the same color.




이미 페인트를 두 번이나 아주 두껍게 칠을 해놓아서 문을 떼내어서 샌딩을 하고 예전 색으로 , shutter 하고 같은 색, 칠해여할 것 같습니다.


청문회 이전에 다시 페인트칠하면 청문회는 없겠지요 ?   지금은 날이 추워서 문을 떼어 내어 작업을 할 수 없는 처지입니다.


어떻게 하면 최선일런지요 ? 도움이 될만한 댓글 기대합니다.  





이 건 저희집 이고요







아래는 다른 집들 mismatch 사례입니다.



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