


마일모아 게시판 Amex business card 50k 그리고 Amex point matching

김미형 | 2011.08.22 11:08:33 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

새로운 Amex business card offer 가 나왔군요. 첫해 fee 는 waive 되지만 5 개월에 $10000 불을 쓰는 조건이라 그닥 좋은것 같지는 않네요. 


그리고 Amex 에서 새로운 software 를 도입해서 card 와 promo code 를 일일이 대조한다는 데요, 앞으로는 target offer 가 아니면 matching 이 힘들겠군요. Frugal guy 에 올라온 내용입니다.


I got this email from reader George this weekend suggesting things are changing with Bump the Bonus and American Express:

"AMEX membership rewards department  is getting smarter, a lot smarter.  I just called in to verify that certain promotion codes for my new AMEX Platinum card (for whopping bonuses) were in place from registering the last few weeks. The representative said they’ve put in new software that tracks each card against the promotion code to verify eligibility.  That means that if you didn’t receive a postcard with XXXX, then no way in hell will they honor XXXX if you call it in.  They also track promos based on geography. 

"Evidently, too many people have been using the targeted codes and AMEX is killing all the non-targeted sign-ups.  ALL MY BONUS CODES, which were “ok” when I called them in, are now invalid. That’s about 250k MR points gone.
Code 5721 – Argentina only
Code 5894 – AMEX gold only
Code 5985  -- AMEX gold only
Code 3882 – expired
Code 5748, 5542, 5891 – MUST be targeted

It’s a race, and I’m losing this week…..!
-- George"

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