


마일모아 게시판   [질문-기타]
Automated in plan Roth Conversion - Better than MegaBack door Roth?

MezgerEngine | 2019.03.06 18:34:49 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기



오늘 웹서핑하다가 우연히 아주 흥미로운 글을 발견했습니다. 

제 질문은 제가 근무하는 회사에서는 Automated in plan Roth Conversion을 해줍니다. 그렇지만 와이프의 회사는 안해주더라구요. 

근데 요지가 키 포인트가 둘 다 근무하는 회사에서 둘다 Automated in plan Roth Conversion을 회사 401k에서 해줘야만 한다는데 잘 이해가 되질 않네요. 




This is only applicable for those who has After Tax contribution. Instead of waiting for years to retire and go for MegaBackdoor, you can convert right away and grow tax free

If you have mix of contributions in 401k, say 25% Roth, 30% After tax and 55% traditional, your growth is pro-rated to this contribution until retirement.

If you use Automated in plan Roth Conversion, all after tax are moved to Roth account right away and any growth on that is not taxed for ever.

Key: Both your company and provider has to offer this.




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