


마일모아 게시판   [정보-카드]
[빅루머/체이스에서 컨펌] 다음달에 체이스 샤프 refresh coming?! ( earning rate 개선 / UR portal로 호텔 예약시 50 불 크레딧 )

레딧처닝 | 2021.07.07 05:14:42 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

Update: Chase’s media team has confirmed changes are coming to the CSR & CSP, but not what the specific changes are. I’d be surprised if they weren’t the ones listed below, but it’s very possible there will be additional changes as well.


오늘자 닥 업뎃입니다   

과연 어떤식으로 리프레쉬 될지 궁금하군요  


The UR portal for CSP links to the following cardmember agreement. Key differences wrt the current UR terms:
- 5x points on travels booked through UR Portal
- 3x points on categories: restaurants; select streaming services; online grocery (excluding Target®, Walmart® and wholesale clubs).
- 10% anniversary points bonus: 10% of USD amount spent- $50 Annual Hotel Credit, on hotel bookings made through the UR portal

The date "August 15, 2021" seems to appear in the terms of the last two points.


레딧발 루머 입니다

일단 3x 카테고리에 온라인 그로서리가 추가 되는건 환영이구요. 

또 10 프로 보너스 또한 매우 좋은 개선이네요. 

연회비만 안건드리길 빕니다 

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