
피치 항공 직원이 퇴근길에 노트북이 든 가방을 날치기를 당했는데 여기 제가 타고 온 비행기를 포함한 6월 2일 한국행 비행기에 탑승하는 승객들 개인정보가 들어있었다네요. 

Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Passport Number, Passport Validity, Region of Issuance, Nationality 등이 포함되어 있고 결제수단에 대한 정보는 없었다고 합니다 .

너무 허술한거 아닌가요? 승객 정보가 든 노트북이라니.. 

웃긴건 그래서 보상금으로 5000엔을 돌려주겠다고 하는데.. 이거 이대로 끝나도 되는건가요.


메일 전문 첨부합니다



Dear Valued Customer, 

We regret to inform you of the following. 

On Friday, the 1st June, 2018 while on their way home, one of our employees had a case containing a notebook computer and other material stolen from them in a bag-snatching incident. Unfortunately, the notebook computer contained work-related documentation of some of our customers’ personal information. 

We would like to express our deepest apology to our valued customers and all related parties for the trouble and inconvenience caused as a result of this incident. 

A report of the theft has been filed with local police and we are cooperating with them in the hopes of recovering the lost notebook computer. In the meantime, we are liaising closely with the related government agencies in measures to avoid leakage of customers’ personal information. As of this writing, there have been no reports indicating the leakage or the illicit use of the information that was contained in the stolen computer. 

We take this incident very seriously and are undertaking a full internal review of our information security management processes as well as conducting the re-education and instruction of all Company employees, in order to prevent any similar event in the future. 

Please refer to the below report for the factual history of the incident. 

1. Details of the Information Contained in the Stolen Notebook Computer 
The stolen notebook computer has the following information saved in its files. 
- The Information of 917 Customers who flew on 6 Flights Departing on 2nd June, 2018 as follows: 
- Departed from Osaka (Kansai International Airport) – for Seoul (Incheon International 
Airport) Peach Flight No. MM001, MM005, MM009, MM011 
- Departed from Osaka (Kansai International Airport) – for Pusan (Gimhae International Airport) Peach Flight No. MM015 
- Departed from Okinawa (Naha Airport) – for Seoul(Incheon International Airport) 
Peach Flight No. MM905 
- Details of the data: 
- Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Passport Number, Passport Validity, Region of Issuance, Nationality 
* The above personal information does not include payment details such as credit card numbers, banking information, etc. 

2. Details of the Incident 
On the night of Friday, the 1st June, 2018, when the employee was on their way home by bicycle, the bag containing the notebook computer was snatched from the basket of the bicycle was where it had been placed. 

After the incident, a theft report was made to the local police station and the case is now under investigation. Until today (6th of June, 2018), there is still no report of the notebook computer having been found. 

3. The Initial Action Taken to this Case 
A theft report was filed with the local police station; investigation is now in progress. All related parties are also being informed. Moreover, once the notebook computer was reported to have been stolen, immediate action was taken to block any further access from that computer to our company and its systems. 

4. Regarding Consolation Money 
We will make direct phone calls to all the involved customers and explain the details of this case.  
As a gesture of consolation to the involved customers for the trouble and inconvenience, we would like to offer compensation of JPY5,000 to each. The funds will be paid through the same payment method of their original booking; (For example, credit card payment customers will receive a credit to that card. For those customers using a payment method other than credit card, phone calls will be made to confirm the desired form of payment). 

5. Further Action 
We are continuing to cooperate with local police in their search for the stolen computer. 
We take this incident very seriously and are undertaking a full internal review of our information security management processes as well as conducting the re-education and instruction of all Company employees, in order to prevent any similar event in the future. 

Again, we deeply apologize for the trouble and inconvenience caused as a result of this incident. 


10 댓글


2018-06-06 09:32:51

이럴 때마다 피치는 피치못할 때 타는 거라는 격언이 생각납니다


2018-06-06 10:51:08

ㅋㅋㅋ 빵터졌어요 두루님이신줄 


2018-06-06 11:49:46

두루님이 여섯? ㅋㅋ @duruduru


2018-06-06 11:51:11

이런 ... 손 오브 피치... 죄송.


2018-06-07 03:44:05

헉.... ㅂ이에요 ㅍ이요? 해변의 아들? 분발의 아들?


2018-06-07 03:43:01

여섯 식구여서가 아니라 여섯 글자여서인 거죠? 피차두루두루? 두루두루피자?


2018-06-07 19:27:39

ㅋㅋ 제가 난해한 농담을...죄송해요. 두루님이 여섯의 의미는 @duruduru 님이랑 @여섯 님이랑 같은 분인가요 란 뜻이었어요.


2018-06-07 03:41:53

저같이 젊잖은 사람이 도대체 왜 이 대목에서 연상이 되신 건가요?


2018-06-07 12:12:35

그...글쎄요. 두루님이 그리워서? 

가을도 아닌데 센치무리수 죄송합니다


2018-06-07 12:06:32

어느나라에서든지 그냥 쉬쉬하고 넘어갈수 있는문제인것 같은데 정말 꼼꼼하게 적어서 보네주네요. 부주의했던점은 있지만 사고를 대하는 태도가 참인상적이어서 제가보기엔 항공사에대한 신뢰감이 늘어나는듯 한데요.


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Status 번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수

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