
(질문)property tax impound

쵸코뻥, 2021-01-25 06:58:29

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저는 집을 구입한지 네달정도 지났는데요. 저희가 집 구입시 loan이 나올지 확실치 않아 loan officer가 많이 맘조려해서 property tax impound를 하는것을 신청조차 못했었어요. 저희 loan은 은행이 아닌 모기지 회사에서 받았고 지금은 city morgage로 바뀌었다고 우편물이 왔었는데 돈은 CENLAR에서 내고 있습니다.

혹시 지금이라도  property tax impound 신청이 가능한가요?

CENLAR site를 조회해보니 아래와 같이 escrow account가 있어야 한다는데 refinance를 해야만 가능하다는 얘기인가요?

아니면 맨 밑의 얘기와 같이 CENLAR로 tax bill보내서 신청하면 되는지요.

혹시 저와 같은 경험이 있으시거나 이분야 전문가가 있으시면 조언 부탁드립니다.


An escrow account, also called an impound account, is an account maintained by your mortgage servicer to pay bills such as property taxes, homeowners (also called hazard) insurance, flood insurance (if required), and mortgage insurance (if required). A portion of each monthly mortgage payment goes into your escrow account and is disbursed to pay your property taxes and insurance premiums as they become due.

Each year, we are required to analyze your escrow account to ensure we are collecting the appropriate amount of money to cover your tax and insurance bills for the upcoming year.

Interest on Escrow (IOE)

If your property is located in a state that requires we pay interest on escrow, your escrow account will accrue interest. The interest will be deposited into your escrow account based on the frequency that the state requires.

The amount of interest deposited to your escrow account may be reported on a 1099 statement for tax purposes as required by the Internal Revenue Service

How to Request the Addition of an Escrow Account to Your Loan

If your loan does not have an escrow account, you may request that an escrow account be set up to pay your property taxes and/or homeowners insurance. In this case, we will calculate the amount of funds needed to start the account.

Note: Flood insurance must be escrowed if your loan closed after January 1, 2016, and is a single family dwelling. (Condominiums are excluded from this regulation.)



Escrow for property taxes: To set up an escrow account to pay taxes, we need a copy of your current tax bill(s) and proof that your taxes are paid up to date. Unpaid tax bills due within 60 days cannot be paid from the new escrow account. 

1 댓글


2021-01-25 07:16:00

굳이 텍스 임파운드할 필요없이 본인이 돈 좀 모아놓고 때되면 내도되요. 서비스피가 붙긴하지만 카드 스팬딩도 가능하고요. 



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