
Lifemiles 구입 200% 프로모 (11/15까지)

physi, 2020-11-10 20:28:40

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오늘 아침 이메일을 받았는데, Lifemiles 200% 프로모가 돌아 왔네요.  

지난번 200% 보너스 프로모션과 달리, 이번 프로모션엔 200%를 받기 위한 최소 구입단위가 없는것으로 보이니 역대 최고인듯 합니다.. 


애매한 시기에, risk가 없는건 아니지만, 지난번 프로모때 구입 기회를 놓친게 아쉬운 분들은 구입을 하셔도 좋을듯 합니다.  


T&C 상으로는 프로모션은 11/10-15 동안 진행됩니다. 




Terms and Conditions:

This promotion is exclusive for LifeMiles members that have received this email directly from LifeMiles.  This promotion applies for miles purchases made between November 10th and November 15th, 2020 (between00.00-23.59 GMT -6, El Salvador). The bonus applies as follows: for purchases from 1,000 – 200,000 LifeMiles receive 3x1, for example, for the purchase of LM 1,000 you receive LM 3,000. The bonus is calculated based on the miles purchased per individual transaction without taking into account the bonus. The miles must be purchased in multiples of 1,000. The minimum miles to purchase per transaction is 1,000 LifeMiles. The maximum miles to purchase per transaction during this promotion is 200,000 LifeMiles. Additionally, the maximum miles that a member can receive during the promotion, including applicable bonuses is 600,000 miles, minus the miles that the member has previously purchased in 2020 and their respective bonuses. The purchase transaction cannot be made if the amount of miles to purchase and the corresponding bonus, including all miles purchased in 2020, including the bonuses, exceed the 600,000 miles limit, unless the amount of miles to receive without applying the promotional bonus is less or equal to 600,000 miles, in which case, the transaction will be processed but no bonus will be granted, giving such warning to the member. The maximum amount of miles to receive by a member through the purchase of miles per calendar year outside of this promotion is 200,000 LifeMiles including any bonus miles received. If the member surpasses the limit, through purchases made during this promotion and other purchases in 2020, taking into account the bonuses received for those purchases, he or she will not be able to purchase any more miles outside of promotional periods until the next calendar year. Each package of 1,000 LifeMiles is US$33.00 without applicable taxes and US$40.26* including applicable taxes according to country of the mailing address registered in the LifeMiles database. The purchase of miles is not reversible or refundable, except in countries where this right is granted by applicable law, such as the right to retraction in Colombia, in the cases where it applies. The purchase of miles is an immediate execution contract. Once the payment is made, the miles will be accrued immediately on the members account. As of that moment, the miles can be used according to the terms and conditions of the LifeMiles Program. Miles are not endorsable. Miles purchase is available through Avianca’s Call Centers, and Avianca Information Centers. For residents of Venezuela, it is only available through Only form of payment through Avianca’s Call Center and credit card or international debit card. Cash payments are only allowed at Avianca’s Information Centers. The receipt of the transaction will reflect the total number of miles accrued to the member´s account, including the bonus miles and the total charge for the transaction. Miles purchased may be accrued in separate transactions. The total miles purchased will appear in the member’s account no later than 24 hours after completing the purchase. The miles purchased and earned with this promotion do not apply to achieve or maintain the Elite status. Does not apply to the Flexible Redemption (LifeMiles + Money) during the payment process of air ticket redemption. Miles purchased, once accrued, can be redeemed in accordance with the conditions specified in the LifeMiles Program Terms and Conditions and the portfolio of products and services available for redemption. LifeMiles Terms and Conditions apply. Available at LifeMiles.comLifeMiles is a trademark of LifeMiles LTD. *The values are settled based on the exchange rate of the date of the transaction. The price can be lower depending of the correspondence country entered on the Member´s profile in their LifeMiles account.



4 댓글


2020-11-10 20:54:37

요즘같이 비행편이 많지 않은 시기에 마일 사용하는 루트 짜기가 정말 힘들죠. 

게다가 열심히 루트 찾아서 예약해놓아도 캔슬당하면 파트너 에어라인은 해줄 수 있는게 거의 없는지라.

마일을 묵혀두고 쓰기엔 아직 정상화의 기미가 보이지 않네요. 저는 패스 ㅎㅎ.



2020-11-11 20:02:29

충분히 일리가 있으신 말씀입니다. 요즘 같은 시기에 루트 찾아서 최적화된 사용은 꿈도 못꾸는거 같아요.

그나마 아시아나 취항지에서 직항 타실분들에게나 괜찮을 거 같습니다. 5월 LAX>ICN 밤 출발 비행기 예약해뒀던게 취소 당한적 있었는데 아시아나에서 낮 비행기로 잘 바꿔주더라구요.. 결국 캔슬하고 안갔습니다만... 


2020-11-10 21:37:37

정말 애증의 라마입니다만.. 

쟁여둘까.. 하는 마음이 드는건 .. 

카페인과다복용한 토끼가 단기기억만 가능해서일까요? ㅎㅎ 


2020-11-11 20:06:43

Avianca에서 Lifemiles 지분 늘렸다는 최근 소식 보면, 오히려 지난 프로모때 보다 구입 여건은 나아지지 않았나 싶구요.. 게다가 3천불가량 묶이지도 않으니, 전 딱 카드 스팬딩 채울 만큼만 살 생각입니다. 


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